Alcohol Testing Personnel
§ 40.211 - Who conducts DOT alcohol tests?
(a) Screening test technicians (STTs) and breath alcohol technicians (BATs) meeting their respective requirements of this subpart are the only people authorized to conduct DOT alcohol tests.
(b) An STT can conduct only alcohol screening tests, but a BAT can conduct alcohol screening and confirmation tests.
(c) As a BAT- or STT-qualified immediate supervisor of a particular employee, you may not act as the STT or BAT when that employee is tested, unless no other STT or BAT is available and DOT agency regulations do not prohibit you from doing so.
For Updates on § 40.211 Click Here
§ 40.213 - What training requirements must STTs and BATs meet?
To be permitted to act as a BAT or STT in the DOT alcohol testing program, you must meet each of the requirements of this section:
(a) Basic information. You must be knowledgeable about the alcohol testing procedures in this part and the current DOT guidance. These documents and information are available from ODAPC (Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington DC, 20590, 202-366-3784, or on the ODAPC web site,
(b) Qualification training. You must receive qualification training meeting the requirements of this paragraph (b).
(1) Qualification training must be in accordance with the DOT Model BAT or STT Course, as applicable. The DOT Model Courses are available from ODAPC (Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202-366-3784, or on the ODAPC web site, The training can also be provided using a course of instruction equivalent to the DOT Model Courses. On request, ODAPC will review BAT and STT instruction courses for equivalency.
(2) Qualification training must include training to proficiency in using the alcohol testing procedures of this part and in the operation of the particular alcohol testing device(s) (i.e., the ASD(s) or EBT(s)) you will be using.
(3) The training must emphasize that you are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the testing process, ensuring the privacy of employees being tested, and avoiding conduct or statements that could be viewed as offensive or inappropriate.
(4) The instructor must be an individual who has demonstrated necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities by regularly conducting DOT alcohol tests as an STT or BAT, as applicable, for a period of at least a year, who has conducted STT or BAT training, as applicable, under this part for a year, or who has successfully completed a “train the trainer” course.
(c) Initial Proficiency Demonstration. Following your completion of qualification training under paragraph (b) of this section, you must demonstrate proficiency in alcohol testing under this part by completing seven consecutive error-free mock tests (BATs) or five consecutive error-free tests (STTs).
(1) Another person must monitor and evaluate your performance, in person or by a means that provides real-time observation and interaction between the instructor and trainee, and attest in writing that the mock collections are “error-free.” This person must be an individual who meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(2) These tests must use the alcohol testing devices (e.g., EBT(s) or ASD(s)) that you will use as a BAT or STT.
(3) If you are an STT who will be using an ASD that indicates readings by changes, contrasts, or other readings in color, you must demonstrate as part of the mock test that you are able to discern changes, contrasts, or readings correctly.
(d) Schedule for qualification training and initial proficiency demonstration. The following is the schedule for qualification training and the initial proficiency demonstration you must meet:
(1) If you became a BAT or STT before August 1, 2001, you were required to have met the requirements set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, and you do not have to meet them again.
(2) If you become a BAT or STT on or after August 1, 2001, you must meet the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section before you begin to perform BAT or STT functions.
(e) Refresher training. No less frequently than every five years from the date on which you satisfactorily complete the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, you must complete refresher training that meets all the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. If you are a BAT or STT who completed qualification training before January 1, 1998, you are not required to complete refresher training until January 1, 2003.
(f) Error Correction Training. If you make a mistake in the alcohol testing process that causes a test to be cancelled (i.e., a fatal or uncorrected flaw), you must undergo error correction training. This training must occur within 30 days of the date you are notified of the error that led to the need for retraining.
(1) Error correction training must be provided and your proficiency documented in writing by a person who meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(2) Error correction training is required to cover only the subject matter area(s) in which the errorthat caused the test to be cancelled occurred.
(3) As part of the error correction training, you must demonstrate your proficiency in the alcohol testing procedures of this part by completing three consecutive error-free mock tests. The mock tests must include one uneventful scenario and two scenarios related to the area(s) in which your error(s) occurred. The person providing the training must monitor and evaluate your performance and attest in writing that the mock tests were error-free.
(g) Documentation. You must maintain documentation showing that you currently meet all requirements of this section. You must provide this documentation on request to DOT agency representatives and to employers and C/TPAs who are negotiating to use your services.
(h) Other persons who may serve as BATs or STTs. (1) Anyone meeting the requirements of this section to be a BAT may act as an STT, provided that the individual has demonstrated initial proficiency in the operation of the ASD that he or she is using, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.
Alcohol testing are deemed to be qualified as BATs. They are not required to also complete the training requirements of this section in order to act as BATs. In order for a test conducted by such an officer to be accepted under DOT alcohol testing requirements, the officer must have been certified by a state or local government to use the EBT or ASD that was used for the test. [65 FR 79526, Dec. 19, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 41954, Aug. 9, 2001; 73 FR 33329, June 12, 2008]
For Updates on § 40.213 Click Here
§ 40.215 - What information about the DER do employers have to provide to BATs and STTs?
As an employer, you must provide to the STTs and BATs the name and telephone number of the appropriate DER (and C/TPA, where applicable) to contact about any problems or issues that may arise during the testing process.
For Updates on § 40.215 Click Here
§ 40.217 - Where is other information on the role of STTs and BATs found in this regulation?
You can find other information on the role and functions of STTs and BATs in the following sections of this part:
§40.223—Responsibility for supervising employees being tested.
§§40.225–40.227—Use of the alcohol testing form.
§§40.241–40.245—Screening test procedures with ASDs and EBTs.
§§40.251–40.255—Confirmation test procedures.
§40.261—Refusals to test.
§§40.263–40.265—Insufficient saliva or breath.
§40.267—Problems requiring cancellation of tests.
§§40.269–40.271—Correcting problems in tests.